As America takes stock of our new constitutional landscape as set by this term of the Roberts Court, it’s clear that the effort to roll back the Third American Revolution of the Warren Court, which sought to enact the promise of the post-Civil War Amendments, has nearly succeeded.

To undo this coup by the judicial branch, appointed by the party of insurrection which has for decades now rarely received a majority of the vote, requires coordinated action by the legislature and the executive — an executive, that it must be noted, is no longer bound by criminal or any other law, but rather by a political and generational culture of learned helplessness.

In the face of the possible victory of the heirs to the Ku Klux Klan and the traitors of the Confederacy, it is time for those who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution to act, even if it means violating long-accepted norms.

Accordingly, we urge the President to introduce the following nominations and bills before Congress, and, in accordance with his oath of office, do whatever jawboning is necessary to get swift Congressional approval.


  1. Fill all federal court vacancies. Allowing a party opposed to democracy quiet veto over the judges in the states it controls is intolerable. The Confederacy should not be setting US law.

  2. Expand the Supreme Court to 13 seats, one for each circuit. Establish term limits for the Court.

  3. Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2023.

  4. Pass a law codifying the Right to Privacy, including abortion, “deviant” sexual acts, and birth control.

  5. Repeal the Comstock Act of 1873.

  6. Remove Qualified and Unqualified Immunity from government officials who violate the Constitution.

  7. Provide statehood to the District of Columbia, with an offer of statehood pending a plebiscite to Puerto Rico .

  8. Restore the Assault Weapon Ban, and clarify that the Second Amendment offers no individual right of gun ownership.

  9. Codify the Chevron Doctrine and the Lemon Test into law.

  10. Return the Doctrine of Stare Judicis as law of the land, except that rulings authored by Justices who worked to deprive Americans of voting rights; were appointed by a president who was installed by a Supreme Court decision that proclaimed not to set a precedent; who lied in their testimony before Congress; or who were appointed by a president found to have committed felonies prior to his election or whose personal appointees were found to have committed felonies related to his election, shall not necessarily be granted that privilege.

  11. Ban all gerrymandering for Congressional districts.

  12. Enact proper campaign finance reform, with an eye toward the right-sized Supreme Court overrule Citizen United as wrongly decided.

  13. Restore Congressional power to legislate by raising staff salaries, and restoring the budget for science and other advisors removed by Newt Gingrich.

  14. Pass the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform Act
